Party: Aikido is a Piece of cake

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Party: Aikido is a Piece of cake

Slicing up training into a four slices of weapons, and counter attacks, Suwari waza and ji yu waza. Then over to the cafe for cake and coffee :) 2 hours session £12 or members can swop to this from your normal lesson in the week :)

Invited: Trudi Cranmer, Sarah Garrett, Mikey マイギー Steinbock, Terry Garfoot, Dan Holloway, Simon Coney, Lee Mitchell, Garry Milligan, Laurence Smith, Laura Holmes, Louise Skeldon, Julie Baker, Vicky Sooriah, Ryan Blake, Catherine Cyprus, Yomeikan Yoshinkan Aikido, Charlotte Porter, Mikhail Poleshko, Michael Evans, Pete Dearnley, Tracey Bailey-Horton show more »
