Party: Lazer/Wulf with Shooting Guns at the Cave

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Party: Lazer/Wulf with Shooting Guns at the Cave

The Dance Cave Presents:

Shooting Guns
Doors: 8 PM / $9 ADV

Advance tickets available at Rotate This & Soundscapes.

Invited: Brent Peers, Dirk Druet, Em DoubleYew Cuthbert, Anthony Sestito, Sean Kennedy, Patrick Truckle, Dusty Cohen, Ben Pearlman, Marie Claire, Paul Lawton, Stephen McGill, Ciara Dunn, Daniel Bray, Aylwin Lo, Eric Warner, Vanessa Evelyn Lee, Braeden Craig, Evan Vidoczy, Matthew Almeida, Joob Vakili, Ewan Exall show more »
