Party: BAPTISTS, Erosion, Doberman, Triton

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Party: BAPTISTS, Erosion, Doberman, Triton

@ Nite Owl
Friday July 10th, 2015
Doors 9pm
$12 advance from Sloth Records or
$15 at the door

BAPTISTS are returning for another wild effin' show at Nite Owl. You will not want to miss this! It was one of the best shows we had last year! What a lineup!

Baptists (Vancouver)

Vancouver’s Baptists provide listeners with a free ear cleaning with each listening. No longer will your ear drums be in the way between the outside world and your brain.


Conceived by Baptists members Danny Marshall (drums) and Nick Yacyshyn (guitar), Erosion quickly recruited original Three Inches of Blood screaming vocalist, Jamie Hooper. “Nick had some song ideas, and we had thought for a while that it would be fun to switch roles from what we played in our other band. Another band that I had played in, Congress, had just kind of fizzled out, but I really wanted to keep something going with our friend Jamie, who sang in that band. We knew that these songs were going to be right up his alley, so we asked him right off the bat,” explains Marshall. Rounding out the band are Rick O’dell on guitar, and Baptists vocalist Andrew Drury on bass – a relatively recent adjustment, due to the fact that original bassist, Gorgeous Gordon Smith, abruptly moved across the country to the Maritimes.

While due to circumstances pertaining to other obligations and not all members residing in the same city, Erosion isn’t the most active of bands on a regular basis. “The amount that we actually get to play is very side project-ish, unfortunately,” Marshall admits. However, this isn’t to say that the band has stagnated. Far from it, in fact; they have a new record tentatively out later this year. Marshall elaborates: “We’re eight or nine songs into material for a new full-length. We’ll get that done and out sometime inside this calendar year. Late summer/fall would be my guess. VERY stoked on the new tunes.”


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