Party: THE DUEL (UK-London) . BOUNCIN B.C. & RADIOSTORM (SLO) [proudly presented by Schoelcke Promotions] Anschl. NIGHT DRIVE Rock-Party mit DJ Alan

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THE DUEL (UK-London) . BOUNCIN B.C. & RADIOSTORM (SLO) [proudly presented by Schoelcke Promotions]  Anschl. NIGHT DRIVE Rock-Party mit DJ Alan

Club: MTC Cologne

Upcoming: 18
Date: 28.05.2014 00:00
Address: Zülpicher Str.10, Cologne, Germany | show on the map »

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Party: THE DUEL (UK-London) . BOUNCIN B.C. & RADIOSTORM (SLO) [proudly presented by Schoelcke Promotions] Anschl. NIGHT DRIVE Rock-Party mit DJ Alan

*** THE DUEL (UK) live @ the MTC Cologne

mit Bouncin B.C: + RADIOSTORM

door open ca. 8 p.m.
Radiostorm on stage ca. 9 p.m.
Bouncin B.C. on stage ca. 10 p.m.
The Duel on stage ca. 11 p.m.

Anschl. NIGHT DRIVE Rock-Party mit DJ Alan Jackson
Karten bei (coming soon)


* THE DUEL - Tour 2014 - Germany *
26.05.2014 - (D) Hamburg, Pooca Bar w/ Bouncin B.C. + Plastic Propaganda
27.05.2014 - (D) Chemnitz, Subway to Peter w/ The Boys
28.05.2014 - (D) Köln, @ MTC w/ Bouncin B.C.
29.05.2014 - (D) Berlin, Wild At Heart w/ Argies
30.05.2014 - (D) Wiesbaden, Kulturkneipe Sabot w/ Bouncin B.C.
31.05.2013 - (D) München, Bürgerhaus Glockenbachwerkstatt

!! free dates in June 2014 too !!

Schoelcke Promotions
Mario Schoelcke




Every genre needs a force to keep it pure whilst continually thrusting forward with new unafraid explorations and in the intensely provocative shape of THE DUEL, UK punk has that protagonist. The London quintet stands astride the passionate antagonistic questioning and challenging instinctiveness of punk rock in its fledgling years and the adventurous rock ‘n’ roll fuelling rage of the now, fusing and honing it into a confronting fiery blaze of imagination thrilling adventure.

The seeds of The Duel were sown when the vocalist Tara Rez met keyboardist Andy Thierum. What might have been if Tara whilst sitting in a pub having just parted company with her manager had not picked up a copy of Melody Maker she spotted on a nearby table is hardly bear imagining, that one act an unknowing spark setting off the brewing of the force to come. Answering an advert within the publication placed by Andy’s manager looking for vocalists, Tara was called to an audition where within thirty minutes of meeting Andy they wrote a song which left them all knowing Tara joining Andy’s new band was a done deal. With both turning upside down their lives to forge this creative union, The Duel stirring potently into life with the emerging passions of both songwriters for the likes of The Ramones, The Dead Boys, and many more only cementing the pair’s close thoughts on music, songwriting, and the fire to emerge from within the band. When you hear that Tara’s first passion for a song was with ‘This Is Not A Love Song’ by PiL and Andy’s ‘Love Song’ by The Damned which as Tara declares is “Typical Duel yin & yang!”, you can only feel their opposite but aligned heart driven imagination and enterprise was a destiny already mapped out.

The pair worked on writing a wealth of songs and stretching their potency across the London live scene as they began expanding the band line-up. Their first show came as support to the Dead Kennedys, the first step from which the band has gone on over the years to extensively tour the UK and Europe as well as hitting the US with their striking impacting sounds. Whether igniting audiences with their own headlining vaunts or sharing stages with such legends as UK Subs, The Slits, Vice Squad, Angie Bowie, Buzzcocks, Peter Hook, Sham 69, The Vibrators, and Angelic Upstarts to name just a few, The Duel constantly rise to the incendiary occasion returning time to an era where rock music was truly alive and making impossible to ignore declarations whilst feeding and stretching all the hunger the passions of today is greedy for. The band is no slouch in stoking up festivals either; the five piece a devoured storm at the likes of the Rebellion Festival in Austria, Holland, and Italy, and The British Invasion Festival in LA whilst The UK Rebellion Festival has seen The Duel a constant force and want over the past flurry of consecutive years.

Alongside the band’s ever growing reputation and success live their albums have equally stirred up the appetites and passions of fans and punk rock itself. Their self-released debut album “Let’s Finish What We Started” in 2007 on their own FFR UK label as have all their subsequent releases been, set a fiery introduction for the band into the genre with “Childish Behavior” two years later unleashing even greater irresistible bait. Both albums garnered extensive acclaim from the media alongside a rapid expanse of recognition and awareness by a new flood of eager exultant fans to their cause. It was just the start though as subsequent releases showed; the songwriting of Tara and Andy continuing to stretch themselves and the thoughts of those their songs explored whilst musically with the deliciously teasing tight guitar, the virulently addictive bass calls, and the pulsating enslaving rhythms of drummer alongside the imagination inciting keys of and the dark seductress tones of Tara where menace and sultriness cast a new breed of spell over the senses, the band has only pushed punk rock to new havens of daring. The 2011 released “All Aboard The Crazy Train” sparked and welcomed even great awareness and acclaim across press and amongst fans whilst “Soundtrack To The End Of The World (Story Of Zak Splash)” showed a daring of exploration and invention which struck new plateaus for the band and punk itself; The Duel a band never prepared to rest on laurels and ‘play to the crowd’.

The Duel undoubtedly create unforgettable empowering sounds but is also a passionate support to many other emerging and established bands, Tara and the band the founders, driving force, and regular live contributors to one of London’s most potent and greedily consumed weekly live events, FFR UK Presents Reggae Punk Mondays at Madame Jojo's. With this, another stunning performance at the 2013 Rebellion Festival and fifth album “Waging War” on the horizon, The Duel are at that point where they are spoken in the same breath of the legends they looked up to. At a time when the UK punk scene has risen to its most potent in decades The Duel is one of the bands carrying and taking further its mantle with imagination and bold invention, not forgetting unbridled passion and a furnace of a creative blaze in the belly.

Invited: Will Green, Ste Bar, Tara Rez, Gwinny Punk, Frl. Caro, Svenja Paege, Tom Druschba, Tony 'mudcrow' Burge, Carsten Kjær Nielsen, Phil Jahnke, Emily Bresler, Stefan Kirmair, Andre Te, Thomas Crouch, Isaac Cadwallader Ashby, Martyn Janes, Jörg Tochtenhagen, Nora Götschenberg, Sownduh Sentrawl, Richard Hympán, Jusztin Máté show more »
