Party: REALITY SHOW - Be on a REALITY SHOW Thursday
Main page > Blue Suede Sue's > REALITY SHOW - Be on a REALITY SHOW Thursday
Upcoming: 1
Date: 14.04.2016 20:00
Address: 75 Watline Ave, Mississauga, Canada | show on the map »
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Do you WANT to Be on a REALITY SHOW ?
Do you want to be part of a Real PARTY -
This is for all you fun, CRAZY, Unique People out there.
so if you want to party this Thursday Come out,, NO COVER
also - If you Actually want to Work at a nightclub you can Audition for Any Postion = BARTENDERS, DJs, Promo Models, GoGo Dancers, Hosts, Promoters, MC's, Performers, etc,
The Blue Suede Sue's - REALITY SHOW.
come meet our Judges, and Hosts and Celebrities.
Tony Monaco(Z103.5)
Rudy Blair (Media and Entertainment Reporter)
Joey De Simone ( Legendary - Singer, Song Writer, Performer)
Sam Ottaviano and Ared Arzumanian (Emg Canada)
Danya Dixon ( Tv and Film Star)
Also -
Surprise Guest - Heather VanViper
(International Celbrity DJ and Producer - Canada's number One - Female DJ) Heather Van Viper
and MANY MANY More. Call now for more info - 905-890-0690. or email at [email protected]
here is our video for more info.
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