Party: Bollywood Holi Night

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Party: Bollywood Holi Night

Bollywood Night is BACK!! This time we are celebrating Holi! Yes, that does make being smashed with color powder, a mandatory ritual. We have bulk ordered some colors for everyone and it will be thrown at you at the entrance. Consider yourself warned.

We will be taking over Eve Nightclub, This exclusive location is set to create a more intimate setting and as such only 200 tickets are available for the event. So on March 1st buy your tickets fast to avoid dissapointment.

We are proud to announce that Mirch Masala Radio will be our Media Sponsor for the event. We also have the international star DJ SASH MUSIC spinning tunes for all you lovely people.

The music will be broken down into 60% bollywood, 30% Punjabi, 10% English.

Invite your friends and family, share our event, spread the word. In return we will give you amazing prices. Such as paying your drinks for the night! What else could you want? RSPV NOW!
