Party: Grumble Boogie at The Court

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Party: Grumble Boogie at The Court

We are SUPER EXCITED to host Betty Grumble's GRUMBLE BOOGIE at The Court;

A deep disco aerobic dance class lead by Betty Grumble.

Gentle and sensual stretching, grape-vining, hip swivelling splendour. Carnally charged cardio and constant toe-ball-heel/healing. Come along to GRUMBLE BOOGIE.

Class starts at 6.30pm runs for an hour and a half. We warm up, groove along and learn a simple routine of disko dissent to rinse and repeat. (There is also time for a lovely gooey cool down.)

Chuck your move-able glad rags on. Lycra encouraged. Colour yourself. Muscularity unt motivation.

Suggested donation of $20 - to pay on the door. If you cannot afford this, pay what you can or talk trade with Grumble. It all flows through!

For any other questions please shoot Grumble an email on

Deep aerobic dance fitness... Bear WITNESS.
