Party: Temple at How Weird 2015

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Temple at How Weird 2015

Club: Temple SF

Upcoming: 173
Date: 26.04.2015 12:00
Address: 540 Howard St, San Francisco, United States | show on the map »

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Party: Temple at How Weird 2015

The Weirdest Show on Earth returns on Sunday April 26th!

How Weird 2015
Sunday April 26, 2015 from Noon to 8pm
Howard & 2nd Streets, San Francisco, Earth
37°47’12.4″ N, 122°23’53.7″ W

Children of all ages, prepare to be amazed and amused and astounded at the sensational spectacle of art and music and dazzling world of wonders that is the 16th annual How Weird Street Faire!

For one day only, in the emerging heart of downtown San Francisco.

And you are invited to participate!

Temple Nightclub will be present for one more year with an outside stage that will blow your mind.

Fun Factory by Temple Nightclub

Don't miss it!

The festival is FREE but a donation will be highly appreciated. You can donate to How Weird Street Fair here:

After the the Street Fair ends we will keep the party going inside Temple Nightclub for our after party.

Join us to celebrate weirdness on the streets of San Francisco.

Music by:
A-Fox, Grensta, Lenny, Diskode, Festiva, Shawn Steele, Fergie DJ, Lucas Med, JasWho?, Triple XL, Dashflance, Dulce, Juan, Mykill, Vice Verza, 219 Boys, and Kepik

More info coming soon...
