Party: Kizomba dance classes with Alexey Vinogradov & Alexandra (RU)

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Kizomba dance classes with Alexey Vinogradov & Alexandra (RU)

Club: Tantsustuudio Làtin Pàssion

Upcoming: 2
Date: 11.03.2017 15:30
Address: Pikk 14, Tartu, Estonia | show on the map »

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Party: Kizomba dance classes with Alexey Vinogradov & Alexandra (RU)

Tere kõigile!

Rõõmustamaks kõiki tantsijaid, kes on huvitatud oma kizombaoskuste täiendamisest, on meil hea meel tervitada ALEXEY VINOGRADOVit ja ALEXANDRAt Venemaalt. Nad tulevad tunde andma 11. ja 12. märtsil.

Alexey ja Alexandra on suurepärase stiilitunnetuse ja tähelepaneliku õpetamisviisiga võluv tantsupaar.


15:30-16:30 → kizomba põhisammud ja tehnika (kõik tasemed)
16:45-17:45 → kizomba juhtimise tehnika ja kontaktivaba improvisatsioon (tase 2)
21:00-22:00 → kizomba lahedad võtted (kõik tasemed)

15:30-16:30 --> urbankiz jalgade töö (tase 2-3)
16:45-17:45 --> urbankiz aegluubis (tase 2-3)

Laupäevaõhtune kizomba tund on kõigile tasemetele ning sisaldab tasuta sissepääsu meie peole.

Registreerimine on avatud stuudio veebilehel, aadressil

Soovitame kõigil registreeruda võimalikult varakult, et saaksime hoolitseda juhtide ja järgnejate tasakaalu eest.

Alexey Vinogradov on kizombaga tegelenud aastast 2013 ning viimased 2 aastat on ta seda ka õpetanud. Afro Fusion Teami liikmena annab ta tunde Moskva tantsukoolis ja osaleb tantsushow’des. Alexey külastab kõiki Venemaa ja endiste NL-maade kizomba festivale ja suuremaid pidusid ning võtab tunde erinevatelt Euroopa ja Aafrika juhendajatelt. Õpetajana keskendub Alexey oma kizomba-tundides tehnikale ja musikaalsusele. Ühtlasi on ta hooliv ja õrn tantsupartner.

Alexandra on Tequila Dance’i (St. Peterburg) kizomba õpetaja, tantsija, fitness-treener ja koreograaf. Kokku on tal 16 aasta jagu tantsu õpetamise kogemust, kuhu mahuvad ka hip-hop, dubstep, latino soolotants, võistlustants ja modern jazz. Kizombat on Alexandra õpetanud 2 viimast aastat. Ta külastab kizombafestivale üle kogu Euroopa ja Venemaa. Õpetajana keskendub musikaalsusele ja stilistikale.

Kohtume varsti tantsupõrandal!



Hello everyone,
For all the dancers looking to spice up their kizomba dance skills, we are happy to welcome ALEXEY VINOGRADOV and ALEXANDRA from Russia, who are going to give a few kizomba dance classes on 11th and 12th of March.

Alexey and Alexandra are a fine lovely dance couple with a great dance style and a great attention on teaching.

Training Schedule:

15:30-16:30 → Kizomba basic steps and techniques (All Levels)
16:45-17:45 → Kizomba Leading technics and Contact-free improvisation. (Level 2)
21:00-22:00 → Kizomba Fun moves (All Levels)

15:30-16:30 → Urbankiz footwork (Level 2-3)
16:45-17:45 → Urbankiz slowmotion (Level 2-3)

The evening kizomba class is for all levels and includes also free entrance to the evening party.

Registrations are open on our website, at the address

We recommend you to register as quickly as possible, to guarantee a good balance between leaders and followers.

Alexey Vinogradov has been in kizomba since 2013 and teaching for the past 2 years. As a member of the Afro Fusion Team he's teaching at its Moscow dance school and participates at dance shows. Alexey visits all Russian and ex-USSR kizomba festivals and major parties, takes classes of different European and African instructors. At his kizomba classes Alexey focuses on technique and musicality. He's also a caring and delicate dance partner.

Alexandra Marchenko is a kizomba instructor at Tequila Dance (St. Petersburg) and a dancer, fitness trainer and choreographer. Her overall dance teaching experience is 16 years, including hip hop, dubstep, solo latino dancing, ballroom and jazz modern. Alexandra had been teaching kizomba for the past 2 years. She visits kizomba festivals all over Europe and Russia. At her classes Alexandra focuses on musicality and styling.

See you on the dance floor!