Party: Swing Knights Presents: Horror Movie Night!
Main page > Swing Knights > Swing Knights Presents: Horror Movie Night!
Upcoming: 0
Date: 17.10.2017 19:00
Address: 11602 Lake Underhill Rd, Suite 126, Orlando, United States | show on the map »
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Happy Halloween!! On Tuesday, October 17, Swing Knights will be having a horror movie night in celebration of the things that go bump in the night. This is a free event so any and all are welcome to attend! Featured films will be "The Thing" (1982) and "The Witch" (2015).
Viewing will start at 7 PM and end at 11 PM at the Knights Circle Phase 1 Clubhouse. Towing is heavily enforced at Knights Circle so please be sure to tell the guard at the entrance you are there to see Patrick Green, Apt. 21 room 203. Park only in the designated YELLOW VISITOR parking spaces! You will be towed otherwise!
Soda, popcorn, and candy will be served! Other food or drink contributions are welcomed! Movie night will not be held on campus, so if anyone needs a ride or can give rides, post in the discussion and we will organize carpools for the event. We hope to see all you ghosts, ghouls, and goblins there! :)