Party: Gruuv by Bacardi presents: ERICA DEE (CAN) 16.05

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Party: Gruuv by Bacardi presents: ERICA DEE (CAN) 16.05

Gruuv by Bacardi on üle kuu toimuv üritustesari, mis toob Studio teisele korrusele Tallinn JÄCK City nime all üles astuva kombinatsiooni värksest põranda-alusest house/techno ja paljude teiste stiilide koosluse. Johann3000, Robert Niko, Kask ja Marek Poel hoolitsevad selle eest, et elektroonilise muusika toonus oleks korralik ja kõikehõlmav. Kokkusattumusena sel korral aga on Eestit väisamas suurepärane Kanadast pärit nais-laulja/dj/MC Erica Dee. Studio ei saa otseloomuliult nii head võimalust kasutamata jätta ning läbi L.A. ja Berliini on just oma Brasiilia tuuri lõpetanud artist maandumas meie alumise korruse plaadimängijate taha.

Tallinn Jäck City -
Marek Poel
Robert Niko



Mvp (Flavours, Studio)

Pilet: FB Going kuni 01.00 5/muidu 10
Uksed: 00.00
Vanus: 20

Erica Dee is an artistic paradigm of our age. Born in the digital realm, she manages to combine old world Spirit with new world Soul, seamlessly mixing, singing, rapping and djing into a linear stream. An electro vaudevillian gypsy, she has captivated audiences from North America to Europe & Israel to Brazil. She lives to travel, expand, and share her many talents with the world. A live performer, who is equally as skilled in the studio as a songwriter and producer as she is a triple threat
DJ, Singer & MC

The daughter of jazz musicians, as a teen into her early 20’s Erica was heavily involved in Canada's burgeoning west coast electronic music scene, opening for Lyrics Born, Lil Kim, & Scream , and writing and recording with Bassnectar & DJ Numark (Jurassic 5). This led to an opportunity to be mentored by the world famous Numark, who invited Erica to Los Angeles in 2009 to work in his studio. Later on in 2010 Erica joined rapper Pigeon John and DJ SHADOW for the nation wide Shadow Sphere Tour.

Now a true powerhouse in both the studio and on stage, Erica has continued to refine her recording and live performance prowess; recently appearing with Mr. Lif and Thievery Corporation. She has just returned from a full solo tour in Europe with 4 new singles with producer Lars Moston, soon to be released in 2014.

Erica’s sonic adventurism knows no boundaries. From Hip Hop to Deep House, RnB to Future Bass, Miss Dee flexes her versatility in both style and skill effortlessly. Whether at a 15,000 capacity festival or an intimate Hollywood lounge, as a DJ, Singer & MC, Erica Dee entertains and connects with her audience in a cosmic exchange of soul, energetics and light.

Invited: Tõnn Kuuli, Jesper Mikael Enegrén, Ylar Aasmae, Katherin Liimets, Amy Manuel, Kristiina Vasar, Alberto Pavesi, Liis Arengu, Marju Mätas, Ragnar Rahuoja, Matthias Vutt, Priit Rüütel, Risto Kalmre, Priit Tomp, Rodolfo Alvarez, Marion Traat, Ulla Liinold, Birgit Palk, Heili Liisi Lepik, Karit Kaasik, Estephe Camus show more »
