Party: Party at Four w/ Alex Acid & Apostolski (Skopje / RM) at KPTM

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Party: Party at Four w/ Alex Acid & Apostolski (Skopje / RM) at KPTM

Nakon Grčke u naše dvorište stiže Makedonija uz sjajan i kvalitetan elektronski zvuk momaka koji stoje iza Drop Series-a, kolaborativne i event organizacije koja okuplja nekoliko talentovanih DJ-eva i producenata iz Skopja koji bacaju samo vruce i kvalitetno na dancefloor :)



Alex Acid

Viktor Apostolski was born in Skopje, Macedonia in 1993. As he got into his 18 he started DJing and soon joined the local collective Drop Series.Apart from the residenciesin Skopje he has played on international gigs and festivals such as Lovefest 2013, Lovefest 2014, Exit Festival 2014, Tresor: NewFaces. He has alsocompleted a course and took a diploma on “Introduction to Music Production” held on the local “Faculty of Music –Skopje”

Aleksandar Krstevski (Alex Acid) is a member of promo organization Drop Series from Skopje which is part of the Macedonian underground scene in the past 6 years, dropping techno and house parties. Inspired by pioneers of dance music scene at the end of 90's he started collecting music and built his set trough various house and techno tracks dominated by the classic roland 303 acid basslines

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