Party: 搏擊會羊年春茗飯局

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Club: Fight Club Hong Kong 香港搏擊會

Upcoming: 40
Date: 21.03.2015 15:00
Address: 九龍城獅子石道24號4樓, Hong Kong, Hong Kong | show on the map »

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Party: 搏擊會羊年春茗飯局

搏擊會羊年春茗飯局現已開始接受報名 ! 名額50個, 先報先得 !
如有任何查詢請留言/inbox 或直接聯絡嘉嘉師姐/Joe師姐

Invited: Brian Hui, Thomas Tang, Danny Ku, Louis Chan, Celia Lam, Michelle Sum, Kenji De', Reverie Kizui, Siu Piu, Christy Wong, Sam Wong, Tiffany So, Courby Leung, Cat Chau, Terence Tung, Felix Wong, Pinky Sum, KaKa Chan, Mandelina Padalecki, Malone Neo, Fanny Chan show more »