Party: BOGOFF for president

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BOGOFF for president

Club: Carbon Nightclub Galway

Upcoming: 518
Date: 04.03.2015 23:00
Address: 19-21 Eglinton Street, Galway, Ireland | show on the map »

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Party: BOGOFF for president

As we enter a week of student elections we would like to submit BOGOFF to run for SU president. We here at Carbon are firm believers that two is ALWAYS better then one. We are talking double the results for nearly half to money.

If you happen to be campaigning for anyone that happens to be running against BOGOFF then we would like to extend an olive branch of peach and allow free entry all week with a campaign t-shirt.

We believe it is Grifter constitutional right to play what ever he wants on the main floor.

BOGOFF would like to make the following changes to the college:
1) All stairs to be piano stairs
2) Disputes with lecturers over results are to be resolved with a game of rock paper scissors
3) The Baily Allen hall to be turned into Europe's biggest ball pit.

Click attending and tag a friend & tell us what you would change about the college for the the chance to win most democratic bar tab you ever got your hands on. We will also be giving away of slab of liberated liquid golden and we will drop it straight to your door.

Invited: Conor Kelly, Karen Ravenhill, Kern Mc Lerklern, Nollaig Jennings, Grainne O Connor, Rory Collins, Leah Hayes, Paige Lucas', Grainne Fitzgerald, Devlin Connaughton, Lisa Holian, Sarah-Jane Smith, Leaf Snype, Niall Glynn, Colm May, Naomi Malone, Dean Ryan, Ashling Martin, LauraJane Igoe, Edel O'Brien, Dean Curran show more »
