Party: Boogie Night with Ramy DJunkie

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Party: Boogie Night with Ramy DJunkie

Join us down at funky town as Ramy DJunkie blends his nostalgic boogie grooves with Kareem Osman's playful visuals in the boogiest of collaborations, for your dancing pleasure.

House Rules Apply:
Table reservation necessary.
Entrance at door's discretion.
Strictly couples only.
Minimum entry age 25.
Doors close at full capacity.

Invited: Natalie Youssef Ramses, Shahana Helal, Karen Debsia, Victor Credi, May Wahdan, Nardine Rizkalla, Lu Abul-Eyoun, Leila Tapozada, Shaha El Gallal, Amr Ezzo, Gamal Kharma, Farouk Gaafar, Ehab Hassouna, Tamer Auf, Nabil Kamal, Dina Nasralla, Irene B., Marie-France R. Lakah, Peter Matta, Timmy Mowafi, Noon El show more »
