Party: Flo Sebastian´s Birthday Night! w/ AGENT! (Cocoon, Get Physical, Suara) • DIRRTYDISHES • JULEZ CORDOBA - Freitag 08.04 BAALSAAL

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Party: Flo Sebastian´s Birthday Night! w/ AGENT! (Cocoon, Get Physical, Suara) • DIRRTYDISHES • JULEZ CORDOBA - Freitag 08.04 BAALSAAL

Flo Sebastian´s Birthday Night! @ BAALSAAL Freitag 08.04

BAALSAAL is opening it’s doors for some seriously fine beats on 8th April 2016. We’ve lined up some awesome DJ’s to get you in the flow and bring you up higher. Oh yes, you heard right: AGENT, Flo Sebastian, DirrtyDishes and Julez Cordoba will make this night EPIC! This night is all about having a good time, celebrating Flo Sebastians birthday and dancing to every heavy beat and drop. So grab your partners in crime and hit our event for an uh-mazing time. We can’t wait to have you help us rave the hours away spinning faster and faster until the sun rises over our mighty city."

• AGENT ( Cocoon, Get Physical, Suara )
• Flo Sebastian- Live
• DirrtyDishes ( Heinz Music )
• Julez Cordoba ( Komm Tanzen )
