Party: IHOU

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Club: Temá Music Club

Upcoming: 42
Date: 22.11.2014 21:00
Address: 3 Pozitano Str., Sofia, Bulgaria | show on the map »

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Party: IHOU

This saturday - Tema's special guest will be dj IHOU who is going to take us on a journey through space and time with some Deep and Spacey House tunes...

Get deeper with iHOU on SoundCloud []

Saturday ▲ 22 Nov 2014
Start: 22:30 ▲ Entry: FREE

Invited: Boyana Peeva, Mar Ra, Vasil Hristov, Dano Lite, George Staykov, Silvia Mavrodieva, Nikolay Stanev, Alexandra Shipchanova, Mariyan Hristov, Blazh Dimitrov, Plamen Chereshev, Angel Ralev, Teodora Antonova, Martin Tomov, Kumarinche Kumarinova, Petar Petrov, Bel Bell, Faris Abbas, Nadejda Ilieva, Mila Ateva, Kalina Kavaldjieva show more »
